Guddinni Diinagdee Itoophiyaa laafaa waan jiruuf dubartoonni baay’een balaa dallaalota karaa seeraan alaatiin namoota nannessaniif saaxilamaa akka jiran Rooyitaris gabaaseera.

At least 8.2 million Ethiopians are in need of food aid, the government says, as the country braces for the effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon. An inter-agency assessment, led by the government, conducted in September 2015, identified 3.6 million people in need of food assistance â in addition to 4.55 million from the previous month. Plan International Ethiopia is responding to the food security crisis and has identified 5,387 sponsored children who have been affected. We are currently working with at-risk communities to prioritise the needs of children by implementing emergency nutrition response and livelihood recovery programmes in three of the most affected districts with funding support from USAID/OFDA.” width=”300″ height=”196″ class=”size-medium wp-image-48115″ /> At least 8.2 million Ethiopians are in need of food aid, the government says, as the country braces for the effects of the El Niño weather phenomenon. An inter-agency assessment, led by the government, conducted in September 2015, identified 3.6 million people in need of food assistance â in addition to 4.55 million from the previous month.
Plan International Ethiopia is responding to the food security crisis and has identified 5,387 sponsored children who have been affected. We are currently working with at-risk communities to prioritise the needs of children by implementing emergency nutrition response and livelihood recovery programmes in three of the most affected districts with funding support from USAID/OFDA.[/caption] Dhabbanni namoota seeraan ala naanneffaman irratti qorannoo gaggeessu Wook foor(walk For) jedhamu lammiileen Itoophiyaa kuma 400 ol ta’an jireenya suukanneessaa keessa akka jiraatan gabaasa bara 2016 ilaalchisee qopheesseen beeksiseera.

Dubartoonni Itoophiyaa keessa jiran baay’een beela, dhibee, hiyyummaa fi rakkoolee wal fakkaatan birootiin qabamuun jiruu fi jireenya isaanii hogganaa akka jiran dhaabbileen kabajamuu mirga dubartootaa irratti hojjatan rooyitarisitti himaniiru.

Rakkooleen dubartootaa furmaata waan hin arganneef dallaalota karaa seeraan alaatiin namoota naannessaniif saaxilamaaniiru.

kun immoo rakkoo biroo isanirraan gahaa akka jiru mormituun kabajamuu mirga dubartootaa Aadede Boggalaach Gabree rooyitarisitti himaniiru.

Lammiilee biyyattii miiliyoona 99 keessaa harki lama sadaffaan guyyaatti galii dolaara 2 gadi akka argatan rooyitarsi gabaasera.
Qondaaltonni mootummaa Itoophiyaa diinagdeen biyyattii dhibbeentaa 12’n guddata jechaa jiru.

Baankiin addunyaa immoo diinagdeen Itoophiyaa dhibbentaa jaha qofaan guddachuu akka danda’u beeksiisera.

Ministeerri dhimma alaa Ameeriikaa gabaasa waa’ee dubartoota Itoophiyaa ilaalchisuun baaseen, magaalaa Finfinnee keessatti shamarran umiriin isaanii hin geenye hojii mana bunaa irratti bobba’aanii akka jiran beeksiisee ture.

Yaa’ii Addunyaa waa’ee dubartootaa fi namoota seeraan alaa ilaalchisuun biyya Ameerikaatti dhiyeenya taa’amu irratti rakkoon dubartoota Itoophiyaa mata duree marii akka ta’u beekameera.